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Boston City Council proposing to require city employee health insurance to pay for sex-change operations and other "transgender" NUDE OLDER WOMEN DOGGY treatments.

MassResistance's reaction quoted in mainstream media.

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POSTED: April 17, 2014

On Wednesday, April 16, two members of the Boston City Council introduced an ordinance to require that health insurance for city employees cover "transgender" sex-change procedures, including hormone treatments and "gender reassignment" surgery. This is the latest require of the homosexual / transgender movement in many cities across the national country.

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Who would have ever imagined something like this even a decade ago?

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It was introduced by City Councilors Michelle Wu and Ayanna Pressley, two of the almost all liberal in an previously left-wing Boston Metropolis Authorities. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, an aggressive pro-homosexual advocate, told the press that he is "wholeheartedly in support" of it. They did the trick with localized homosexual activists tightly, according to press reports.

Supporting her constituency. Michelle Wu, co-sponsor of transgender insurance ordinance, marches in Boston Gay Pride Parade in 2013.
[MassResistance photo]

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It was applauded by the usual crowd. "This ordinance is a pivotal step toward ensuring that transgender city workers have access to comprehensive healthcare coverage just like all other city workers," Kara Coredini, Executive Director of the LGBT lobbying group MassEquality told the press.

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MassResistance reaction in the press

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MassResistance gave its reaction -- which was covered in the Boston Globe and Channel 5 TV. And we didn't hold back for the liberal media.

Boston Globe coverage of ordinance featured MassResistance's uncompromising reaction.

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As the Boston Globe reported on April 14:

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Not everyone sees the proposed ordinance as positive, or even agrees that medical procedures and human hormones happen to be proper remedy for those who identify like transgender. The leader of MassResistance, a nonprofit conservative advocacy group in Waltham, called the proposed ordinance "a sad example of science fiction over science."

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"The medical community has always considered 'gender identity' confusion as a mental health issue," said Brian Camenker, executive director of MassResistance. "Attempting to 'treat' someone with sex hormones or body mutilating surgery may please the political activists but only makes things much worse for the individual."

That evening, Boston's WCVB Channel 5 also did a report also featuring MassResistance:

Ch. 5 TV News: "Giving people hormones and body mutilation surgery only makes it worse. This is being done to please a political agenda," Brian Camenker of MassResistance told Channel 5 News.

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In other words: What some other mental health issue is treated by amputating parts of the body?

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Movement's goal: Sex-change insurance coverage mandatory nationwide!

According to a number of sources, this is part of an overall strategy to eventually make coverage of transgender hormone treatments and sex-change surgery mandatory for all health insurance nationwide. The national groups "Human Rights Campaign" and "Lambda Legal" are providing ammunition for thwill be push.

The tactics are similar to those the homosexual movement used pushing "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" non-discrimination laws throughout America. In this full case, they sometimes start with "lower level" mandates, such as hormone treatment, and later press for full sex-change medical procedures insurance then. In both full cases, they started with private corporations, some little towns and cities next, in that case larger towns in liberal spots, and capturing whole claims eventually.

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Mandating insurance support for sex "transitioning" is being seen across the country. As the Globe reported in its article:

Transgender city workers are guaranteed medical treatment by statutes in San Francisco; Seattle; Portland, Ore.; Washington, D.C.; and other US cities, according to Andrew Cray, a policy analyst at the Center for American Progress, an independent nonpartisan educational institute in Wa, D.C . . . [R]egulators in Chemicalalifornia, Colorado, Connecticut, Oregon, and Vermont possess required that individual insurance policies ideas in those state governments covers transgender wellness providers for inhabitants.

Trying to keep Boston's "100% pro-LGBT" rating intact

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As part of that push, the national radical LGBT group Human Rights Campaign now requires cities to include sex-change operations to get their coveted 100-percent pro-LGBT rating, similar to the rating they give large corporations. And the localized revolutionary main receiving area shall definitely not pay for anything significantly less, and clearly has the power to enforce that.

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As the Globe reported:

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An attorney for the Human Rights Campaign, a national civil rights organization, said the group this year will begin to include transgender treatment coverage for city employees as a criterion in its Municipal Equality Index, which rates cities on their inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and tourists.

Last year, Boston scored a perfect 100 on the scale, but it could not necessarily perform therefore in 2014 without mandating that insurance coverage once more, said Cathryn Oakley, the organization's legislative council for state and municipal advocacy.

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Among other things, this policy would certainly attract some very disturbed people to work for the populous city of Boston. Can be this genuinely what the residents prefer?

Is this the future? Adult men with hormone-induced ladies and chests with hormone-induced beards april in down-town Northampton, Mass. in 2008.
[MassResistance photo]

= $ =p>Text of ordinance : unreliable and wrong

As usual for these kinds of political efforts by the sexual radical movement, the text of the ordinance includes as justification a number of statements presented as "fact" which are either grossly misleading or outright false -- cleverly woven together to give the sense of serious medical data. It is Orwellian in its inversion of truth. For example:

1. It uses the weak term "gender dysphoria." The older term, "gender identity disorder," was previously the standard medical description until the LGBT movement pressured the medical community to water it down to a "dysphoria". 5. It claims that not providing these treatments brings higher risk of suicide. 3. It lists several prominent national professional associations (American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, etc.) that they say have "consensus" that hormones and body-mutilating surgeries are "appropriate" and "effective". Some extensive research suggests the opposite. The program's director, Prof. Paul McHugh, wrote, "I have witnessed a great deal of damage from sex-reassignment . . . We have wasted scientific and technical resources and damaged our professional credibility by collaborating with madness rather than trying to study, cure, and prevent it ultimately." We couldn't agree more. But the manner of treatment is left undefined. In fact, the AMA and APA admit that transgender health care is still a "controversial" area. 6. What it doesn't tell you: Over a decade ago, Johns Hopkins University Hospital completely disbanded its "sex-change" program. 4. It claims that the surgery and other treatment is "the only safe and effective medical treatment option" for some people. In 2010 the Journal of Homosexuality reported on a review of studies that suggest that people having "gender reassignment surgery" commit suicide at alarmingly higher rates than average. But none of these groups' statements point to any legitimate studies. Where are the studies confirming that? But is it? The phenomenon of hormone injections and surgeries is so new -- only done in the last few decades -- that it is virtually impossible to claim long-term positive health outcomes. There is no question that people with gender identity disorders possess a much higher suicide rate (as many as nine times higher) than the general population. Common sense would suggest that the best treatment is a mental health counseling approach, not a physical body change approach. 2. It utilizes the transgender organization World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) as if it were a legitimate medical resource, but in fact it is a group of radical transgender activwill bets and medical professionals who intimidate other medical associations into accepting their "findings" (in order to be seen as non-discriminatory). Instead, they just commit to non-discrimination in "treating" transgender patients.

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But will anyone in the Boston City Council challenge any of this nonsense? We don't think so.

The two "transgender" women above have taken hormones to grow facial hair in order to appear male. Note the writing on the shirt on the woman on the left: "Self Made Man". [MassResistance photos]

The huge need to tell the truth

How do you fight this? As we have shown, there is at least one thing that everyone can carry out that makes a difference: Tell the truth without backing down.

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This ordinance is an example of how the Left's world will be built on lies and intimidation. They depend on the fear and silence of regular people to push their agenda. Any textbook on confronting a totalitarian environment always begins with the requirement of telling the truth without any compromise. And not doing so gives their side a tighter grip on the public's perceived definition of reality. If you perform that only, you're having a positive effect!

There is a dwill beturbing trend by pro-family groups around the country to be moderate and inoffensive when dealing with this issue, so as not to antagonize the LGBT movement and the media. They either (1) avoid the subject entirely; or (2) concede major points but quibble with a minor part of it, such as saying that transsexuals may "need" surgery but it ought not be paid for by the taxpayer; or (3) simply say that the whole thing is something they "disagree with" end upcause of "religious freedom" or similar non-threatening reasoning. Thus, handing a victory for the other side.

Even in seemingly overwhelming circumstances like this, it is mandatory to ever continue dealing with harder than. We are convinced that in the long run it's worth it.

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