What it's Really like to be a Guy who only Dates much Older Women

What it's Really like to be a Guy who only Dates much Older Women

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How old are you?

Man A: Twenty-four.

Man B: Twenty-seven.

Man C: Thirty-one.

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What is your current relationship status?

Man A: Single.

Why Do Men Like Older Women

Man B: Dating.

Man C: In a serious relationship.

What is the age difference between you and your current partner?

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Man A: I'm single now, but in my last relationship, I was 24 and she had been 40.

Man B: Fifteen years.

Man C: Thirty-two years.

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What's the average age difference been between you and your past partners?

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Man A: Twelve to 16 years.

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Man B: About three years.

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Man C: My ex-wife was nine months older. I only had one friend with benefits after that who seemed to be six years older then me.

Did you always date much-older women? If not, when and how did that start?

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Man A: No. I in fact started out with courting females my period. I hooked up with a 30-year-old when I was 18, hence I has been generally into it per se, but I didn't really start dating older women until I was 20 and I met this pretty hot college teacher online. Since then I've always looked for older women above all else.

Man B: No, but the attraction offers generally happened to be there. My present partner went after me on interpersonal advertising and subsequently we began courting.

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Man C: I always wanted an older woman. Now I actually'm 31, and I have more experience sexually and a desire to please my partner in every real way I can. At 14, I dreamed of an older woman breaking me in. It's a fantasy come true.

What do you love most about dating older women?

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Man A: I like how mature they can be when handling serious situations, but how playful and youthful they are likewise. My last girlfriend and I would sit and listen to all my favorite music down, and it was a real bonding experience I'd never had before. You don't expect someone who is so much older to have so much in common with you or the desire to connect with you the way some older women do.

Man B: Older women have their life together. And with 15 years more experience, they're more interesting to talk to.

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Man C: There's less drama with older women and they are much fewer likely to be dependent on you. A strong, independent woman is sexy.

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Is there anything you don't like about it?

Man A: The social stigma can be tough, but I actually own blown it away. Society isn't as used to seeing it as we'd like them to be.

Man B: Not in the slightest.

Man C: So far nothing I don't like.

What was the best reaction you've received about your attraction to older women? The worst reaction?

Man A: Some friends thought it was cool in some ways, but other friends didn't. Though Overall, nothing major. In my case, that's dating older women. I think we all should do what we love.

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Man B: I've never gotten anything more than a "huh."

Man C: Sometimes people think I'm her son, but when that takes place we only seem at each additional and chuckle. Most women with reply, "You go, girl!" They'll also mention how it's been acceptable for older men to date much younger women and then question why it's not more socially acceptable for women to date younger guys.

What are the biggest differences in sleeping with or dating older women versus women closer to your age?

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Man A: Older women are more open to letting you try new things. They happen to ben't objectestosterones, but in my experience, they undoubtedly goal to please total.

Man B: Older women know what they want, so I don't have to guess. I only abide by instructions provided, which puts much less pressure on me. Overall, she will be in command of the condition certainly, which I find hot really.

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Man C: Nothing is really different about sleeping with older women. She doesn't get jealous and she's not controlling. In many cases, they've already had their families, so neither of us are dependent on the other. As as courting runs way, older women are zero drama.

Have you ever dated someone closer to your own age? What didn't you like about it?

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Man A: There wasn't anything I didn't like about it. We love dating in general, but I feel like older woman just have more to offer. They have experience that is more valuable than anything.

Man B: Yes, I didn't like that most women my own age didn't seem to be in control of the relationship or in bed.

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Man C: I married a girl my age and dated a couple others who were around my age. They don't really know what they want and are still finding their way.

What surprised you the most about dating/sleeping with an older woman?

Man A: Every lady I meet is a new chapter in my life. It intrigues me every proper period. Things that surprise me range from how well they give oral to what they think about a certain style or genre of music.

Man B: How much sex I've had. Now I have sex nearly every time I go on a date, which is amazing. Good god. With girls my own age, a month we only possessed sex a few times. Also, that not all older women want kids or have kids, which would've been a sticking point for me.

Man C: Sexually, I was surprised by her openness to experiment and surprised that there had been no stigma about oral sex. Previously, We had married a woman who did not like returning the favor, if you know what I mean.

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What is the biggest mwill beconception about men attracted to much older women?

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Man A: It's not always just a fetish. There's certainly nothing wrong with two consensual adults being serious together or playing around. Some men are genuine guys who just like dating older woman.

Man B: That they'll be judged really harshly for being attracted to them. People don't really judge you for dating older women as often as your fears might lead you to believe.

Man C: I'd say the biggest misconception is the idea of an Oedipus complex. She's young at heart and I'm mature for my age. We're on a very similar playing ground. I'm not looking for a mother figure or to be nurtured.

What advice would you give men who want to date older women? To women who want to date younger men?

Man A: To men: don't try to enjoy what she enjoys if you don't. A newnd to the woman, debbieo the same thing and hopefully you'll find a guy of your dreams. Show interest in it, but you don't have to like her style of movies or music.

How To Talk To Older Women

Man B: Go for it! I'm thoroughly smitten by a woman who is 15 years older than me, and if I let my fears stop me from talking to her when she first reached out to me, I'd have made the biggest mwill betake of my life.

Man C: Know what you want and what she wants. Turn out to be prepared to learn about dance and wines. Don't bring your video games to her house. A 7 days I go away breaking a leg twofold. If you want a serious relationship, make sure you don't act like a kid. Does she desire sexual satisfaction or a boyfriend? If a young guy shows interest, don't shrug it off. Ladies, younger guys who think you're beautiful and want to treat you right are out there.

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Lane Moore is an award-winning comedian, actor, writer, and musician. She will be the creator of the hit comedy show Tinder Live and author of the critically acclaimed book How to Be Alone: If You Want To, and Even If You Don't. She has written for The Onion, The New Yorker, and seemed to be the Intimacy and Associations publisher at Modern previously. Moore will be the front side individual and songwriter in the music group It Has been Love, which offers been recently awarded all over from Pitchfork to Fashion.

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